BANDUNG, KOMPAS.com —PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) make Africa a target export markets its products in line with the projection of the black continent it will need new aircraft in large quantities up to 20 years.
"We will work on the African market, given the size of the potential market for aerospace products up to 20 years. Now in fact we've known there, "said the Communications Division staff PTDI, IP Monodon Nugroho, told reporters in Bandung, Friday (16/11/2012).
He said, the area of Africa is a very open market for PTDI products, both for business aircraft service business itself as well as aircraft maintenance and other aerospace-related business. "PTDI have competence and quality of competing at that business," he said.
Rajeev explains, since 2007, a number of aircraft CN235 PTDI products began to enter the African continent. In that year, PTDI delivered one unit CN235 to Burkina Faso.
Currently, AU Burkina Faso has operated the aircraft over five years with no complaints about quality.
Following the purchase by Burkina Faso, in November 2010 and early 2011, PTDI back handed each one aircraft CN235 to Senegal so that there are two CN235 in this country. Now, it's been three CN-235 PTDI products operated in Africa.
Since its establishment in 1976 to the present, PTDI has produced more than 300 aircraft, both fixed-wing (fixed wing) and helicopter (rotary wing). For NC-212 Aircraft under licence CASA (now Airbus Military), PTDI has produced more than 100 units, both military and civilian transport version.
PTDI also has produced as many as 122 helicopter NBO-105 under license MBB (now Eurocopter Germany). The majority of the helicopter operated by Indonesia's military.
In addition, PTDI also has been producing helicopters NBell-412 more than 33 units, plus a NBell-412 EP seven units under license Bell Helicopter (USA), as well as the helicopter Super Puma 22 units under the Aerospatiale (now Eurocopter of France).
CN-235 product results from cooperation with Spain'S CASA which began since 1979 has resulted in approximately 260 units and has spread in various countries in the world. CN-235 flew done in December 1983 and began to enter the market in 1986.
PTDI also gave two units CN295 (development of CN235) to the Defense Ministry several months ago from a total of nine units. The aircraft was a development of the CN295 aircrafts CN235 by adding the length of the fuselage over three meters.
In addition to the aircraft, since 2002, PTDI get an order for aircraft components, including components from Airbus and from Boeing. In addition, PTDI is currently designing a plane wake up N 219, the type of aircraft for flight capable Intercity landed in the field that are not prepared.
N219 prepared to replace the Twin Otter, in addition to being able to take off and land from the field-airfield less than 500 meters, the aircraft was also able to maneuver in mountainous areas such as Papua.
According to the projections of the magazine world's leading aerospace, Aviation Week, by 2011, Africa needs to 770 and various types of aircraft types, such as jet and turbopropeller CN235.
Africa is in need of aircraft operating limitations this classmate remembers the local airport.
The demand for turboprop aircraft is projected to reach 130 units for use in various countries on the continent.
More detailed, Aviation Week posited the need for new jet aircraft with 61-120 passengers as many as 120 aircraft, to 20 years into the future.
In addition, the capacity of 30 to 120 seats needed more than 220 aircraft, either to fill in a new aviation business and as a replacement for the older aircraft now.
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