It is revealed the President Director of Pertamina Hulu Energi Salis Aprilian when found on the sidelines of the event Luncheon Talks ' certainty and legal protection for the results of contract (PSC), ' at the Hotel Ritz Carlton, SCBD, Jakarta, Monday (12/11/2012).
"The production of PHE's overall average to quarter III this year still 60,000 bph, is still below the target of 70,000 bpd are determined," said Salis.
Yet the achievement of these targets, said Salis, since there is quite a distance from the selish target poduksi PHE WMO (West Madura Offshore) molornya as a result of the takeover plan managed by Pertamina PHE.
"As a result of the takeover of the WMO telatnya so there is a gap of 8,000 barrels per day and until now still haven't reached the gap, but nowadays the trend of production is rising," said Salis.
Currently, the production of Salis said PHE WMO still average around 11,000 barrels a day target from 15,000 barrels per day.
"Target PHE MWO originally indeed of 20,000 bph but revised to 15,000 bph, but until now has not been able to reach the target," said Salis.
Associated production reached 60,000 bph, add Salis, helped by increased production of PHE ONWJ previously hard-to-reach 35,000 bpd but today turned out to be up to 40,000 bph.
"Production ONWJ today rise even rising above the target where ditargetnya 35,000 bpd and difficult until the production of it, but today managed to achieve production of 40,000 bpd," said Salis.
Moreover, the word Salis, ONWJ yesterday managed to find a test in a new layer when exploration in the field of eco.
"Its pretty good Tests, it indicates there is a nice indikaksi on the production in the future, ONWJ" cetus Salis.
(an rrd/dnl)
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