Sandiaga Uno: All Prices Go Up, Thus Opportunities For Entrepreneurs


Jakarta -young entrepreneurs Sandiaga Uno believes all of the increase in the price of goods, wages, and whatever that is nowadays precisely not a burden to a solicitor but rather opportunities. Opportunities if arrested thus will make the entrepreneurs successfully manages its business.

"All-all that up, whether it's electricity, wages, prices of goods needs, for me is an inevitability," said He found in the Office of The Taxpayer, The Medan Merdeka Timur 17, Jakarta, Thursday (10/1/2013).

He saw all the rising prices and cost of production that occurs when this opportunity for a solicitor.

"I see, for an enterpreneur, we as enterpreneur sample pack of CT (Chairul Tanjung) my example, my mentor, he's seen it all (rising prices and wages) precisely as an opportunity. The companies that have the ability to entries but the price increase is going to be to their own advantage, "He said.

He said, the increase in various prices which occurred precisely will make an entrepreneur has the ability untuuk in cost and increase competitiveness.

"So with the condition a solicitor will be able to have the ability to press charges, the competitiveness we could control the cost, we manage it well, so that something like this could be an opportunity," cetusnya.

(an rrd/dnl)

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