JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Only a few hours after the ruling of the Constitutional Court (MK), the Government immediately form a work Unit While Executing the business activities Upstream Oil & gas (Upstream Oil and gas Implementing SKS). This is the institution of an ad hoc substitute for Implementing business activities Upstream Oil and Gas (oil and gas BP).
The diversion was contained in the decision of the Minister of energy and Mineral resources (DEMR) number 3135 K/08/MEM/2012 published Tuesday (13/11/2012) as a derivative of the presidential Regulation No. 95/2012 about the transfer of the execution of the duties and functions of the upstream oil and gas Activities. Deputy Minister of MINERAL RESOURCES Rudi Rubiandini explains, this mpc22000929.pdf.PDF contains four main points. First, the transfer of tasks to the BP Oil and gas Upstream Oil and gas Implementing SKS. Second, an employee of BP Oil & gas routed to SKS.
Thirdly, operations, funding, and assets of BP Oil and natural gas are also routed to the upstream oil and gas Implementing SKS. Fourth, salary, benefits, and employee facilities just as oil and gas at BP. While the transfer of officers of the former BP Oil and gas MINERAL RESOURCES Mpc22000929.pdf.pdf it was decided No 3094/2012. So far, it has not been decided that the Chairman of SKS.
Oil and gas Director General Evita Legowo added, and MINERAL RESOURCES Ministry will publish the rules again as a complement. "Could have formed a new business entity replacement CREDITS," he said.
So far, the cooperation contract contractor (PSC) began to seem relieved. "We will continue to partner with the Government," said Dony Spark, Manager of Corporate Communication Chevron Indonesia.
Brenden Hartadi, Head of Media Relations Department Total E&P Indonesia, still groping towards this new institution. "We don't yet know whether this new unit there will be a change," he said.
Anyway, nonetheless there is a loss in this transition period. Just look at the fate of the rig owned by Niko Resources were now stuck in customs and have to pay 300,000 u.s. dollars per day. "There are still 100 rig that is stuck," said Bambang Dwi Djanuarto, former Publicist BP Oil and natural gas.
That ought to be observed, the formation of oil and gas Upstream Executive SKS instead of oil and gas solutions BP pascapembubaran crisis. There are still other gaps that could trigger new problems.
AM Putut Prabantoro, former Penasehit Chief oil and gas, BP Experts reminded Governments that consistently with the ruling of the CONSTITUTIONAL COURT. "If oil and gas BP was violating the Constitution, the decision of the BP Oil well is not legitimate," he said.
As a result, oil and gas contracts are lama was prone to question. This Problem presumably can be more complicated.(Muhammad Yazid, Maria Elga Rimjuth, Oginawa R Prajogo/Cash)
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